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Some incredible statements are made by members of Fort Lewis College’s outreach group “Advocates for Choice” at a debate about Colorado’s Amendment 62 , the “personhood amendment.”  Condemning the use of science to determine the beginning of human life, we get claims such as:

“Science is not ultimate truth, that’s why it’s science. It’s always being studied, taught and re-taught. So, to insinuate that this science is absolute truth on the matter of what is human life is illegitimate . . . what is inside a body that cannot function outside its host is not a child . . . it’s a matter of reproductive choice. The living, breathing, sentient being is the one we listen to, not science.”

And from another member of the panel:
“We’re talking about science as if it is something that is absolutely concrete, like there is absolute proof that there is life and there is not life . . . their [pro-life] researchers say that the heart beats at 21 days . . . but there’s people on our side and research that says that the heart doesn’t beat until 24 weeks.”

Apparently, pointing this out is meant to compel us to believe that, because experts in biomedical and neonatal research give disparate answers sometimes, we should just ask the mother. Wasn’t it the Catholic Church that wanted to return to the dark ages with its suppression of science and repressive moral imperatives?

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