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Good news today out of South Bend. Carter Snead is the newly appointed head of Notre Dame’s Center on Ethics and Culture. The center takes up the central truths of Catholic moral and social teaching in order to build a culture where, “the dignity of human life is respected, the compatibility of faith and reason is recognized, and the connection between the truth and genuine freedom is understood.” From the university’s press release:

Snead specializes in the relationship between bioethics and the law. He is the former general counsel for the President’s Council on Bioethics, a White House advisory committee, and was the principal author of the council’s 2004 report on the regulation of new biotechnologies affecting assisted reproduction, human embryo research and genetics.

Rick Garnett offers his congratulations and praise. Hear hear. This is a wise decision by the ND administration, one that should allow an anchor of the school’s academic reputation and religious identity to hold fast.

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