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In his latest On the Square column , Peter J. Leithart discusses the influence of German philosopher Johann Georg Hamann:

In the current climate, it seems high time to rehabilitate Johann Georg Hamann. With his opaque style, his irony and obscure jokiness (which appealed to Kierkegaard), his obsession with language, his skepticism about Enlightened reason, Hamann would fit right in. He speaks their language. Plus, unlike today’s radicals who merely play with Paul, Hamann was a Christian through and through.

Also today, Melinda Selmys reflects on the need for a pastoral response to homosexuality :
While it seems obvious to me that we can’t simply throw out the moral teaching on homosexuality without completely unraveling the fabric of Christian sexual teaching, it seems equally obvious that we can no longer justify the persecution and castration homosexuals have experienced for much of history. In other words, it is necessary to distinguish between the visceral, emotional reactions which ancient writers—including St. Paul—had towards homosexuality, and the theological doctrine which developed out of a holistic Scriptural vision of sex.



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