The headline is provocative, but I think it is accurate. With the HPV vaccine in the news, I thought I would check to see what happened with AB 499, a bill that would allow children to receive STD preventative treatment—e.g. HPV vaccine—without parental knowledge or consent. Here’s the pertinent section of the bill:
(b) A minor who is 12 years of age or older may consent to medical care related to the prevention of a sexually transmitted disease.
That means the HPV injection. And what 12-year-old who is told that today in school, they are all getting a shot, will say no? It’s outrageous, given the same kid couldn’t consent to an ear piercing. And note, no parental opt-out (much less, opt-in) provided. How could they opt out? In many cases, they won’t even know.
Here’s what I wrote about that intrusive and culturally hegemonic bill last June when its fate was still up in the air. From my SHS post “Destroying Parental Rights Over Kids’ Healthcare in California:”
We all know that such conditions are not what this legislation is all about. Rather, supporters desire to allow children to be treated for sexually transmittable diseases such as syphilis and HIV without parental knowledge or consent. Moreover, the “prevent” STDs is about giving 12-year-olds the HPV vaccine without parental knowledge. Thus, to put it bluntly, the law seeks to make it easier for underage children to be sexually active without worry that their parents will find out. And it substitutes parental authority for those who would smile benignly on such activities.
This is California—of course it passed! The pressure is on for Governor Jerry Brown to veto. It’s mostly from the “usual suspects,” loathed of liberals, e.g, the Catholic Church and other conservative Christian groups. But this isn’t a religious issue. It is one of parental rights, which seem to mean less and less as we move into the Twenty-First Century.
Don’t expect a political penalty to be paid by politicians for their intrusion into family life. The media isn’t covering the story and besides, voters in this state twice voted down initiatives that would require that parents be notified—not that they consent, but just be notified—if their daughters have an abortion.
But of course, most of those so voting were liberals, who control this fast-sinking one party state. And here’s why: The political controllers of California think people who disagree with them on cultural and sexual matters are ignoramuses, and that the “enlightened,” e.g. them, must therefore step in to ensure that kids adopt liberal-approved sexual and cultural values. In other words, they don’t think it will be their kids who will be affected, just those of cultural conservatives—which they see as a good thing. After all, there’s a coup de culture to be won!