Today in our first feature article, Elizabeth Scalia diagnoses ” A Dictatorship of Sentimentalism “:
I wonder if the dictatorship of relativism would be so comfortably entrenched within our society, were it not resting upon a bed of snuggly sentimentalism weaved through prosperity and mindless ingratitude.
And in our second feature, William Doino counters the falsehoods promoted by author John Julius Norwich and NY Times editor Bill Keller and shows us “The Real Pius XII” :
In a mocking cover story for its Sunday Book Review (July 10th), Times editor Bill Keller endorsed John Julius Norwich’s shoddy Absolute Monarchs: A History of the Papacy , claiming Pius XI and especially Pius XII were “compliant enablers” of Hitler and fascism. Norwich claims absurdly that these popes “together cleared the way for the unobstructed advance of Nazism—and of its treatment of the Jews.”If there is one person who should know about the papacy’s role against fascism and Nazism, it is Bill Keller.
You can read Scalia’s piece here and Doino’s piece here .