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In anticipation of the tenth anniversary of September 11, Dean Reuter of the Federalist Society and John Yoo of the University of California, Berkeley’s School of Law (Boalt Hall) have assembled and published a collection of essays, Confronting Terrorism: 9-11 and the Future of American National Security , dealing with some of the most important national security issues of the day, including targeted killings, surveillance, interrogation, the Patriot Act, civil liberties in wartime, the Constitutional separation of powers, and more.

The contributors, who represent a diversity of viewpoints, are all absolutely first-rate and include John Ashcroft, Bob Barr, Michael Chertoff, Alan Dershowitz, Viet Dinh, Richard Epstein, Victor Davis Hanson, Arthur Herman, Charles Kesler, Andrew C. McCarthy, Ed Meese, Michael Mukasey, Theodore Olson, A. Raymond Randolph, Dean Reuter, Anthony Romero, Paul Rosenzweig, Laurence Silberman, Nadine Strossen, Marc Thiessen, Jonathan Turley, and Jonathan Yoo. The book is now available, including on .


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