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Thirty Three Things (v. 50)

1. Indian Levitation Trick Revealed (Via: Neatorama ) °°°°°° 2. Test Your Vocab: How many words do you know? °°°°°° 3. Why aren’t the oldest living people getting any older? Last month, a 114-year-old former schoolteacher from Georgia named . . . . Continue Reading »

Is Campus Crusade Falling Away From Christ?

I’m a long-term staff member with Campus Crusade for Christ who has believed that it was time for a change in our movement’s name. Last Monday the announcement was made that our U.S. ministries would become “Cru.”For me the change was welcome. Not everyone is likewise . . . . Continue Reading »

What’s in a Name? Plenty.

So Campus Crusade for Christ has decided to change its name . To Cru. Why? Because it thought the “Crusade” part too off-putting to many it was trying to reach with the gospel. Please note that the change of moniker refers only to its U.S. operations. Apparently folks in the other 190 . . . . Continue Reading »

First Links - 07.22.11

The Two-Biological-Parent Family and Economic Prosperity: Where to Go From Here , The Public Discourse (William Jeynes) Who Will Lead on Maternal Mortality? , The Catholic Thing (Matthew Hanley) Does the Bible say anything about cremation? , Ligonier Ministries (R.C. Sproul, Jr.) Military ban on . . . . Continue Reading »

Race and Politics

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas has made a name for herself over the years by expressing some very controversial views, like advocating arms sales to Hugo Chavez’s regime in Venezuela. For many, she has richly earned the right to be dismissed. But her widely reported speech last . . . . Continue Reading »



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