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Spengler on Norway

Our friend David Goldman on the murders in Norway: A Time to Be Silent and Mourn . There is, he writes, a streak of human depravity that defies any effort to fit it into the pattern of events. It is suicide writ large, a propensity for self-destruction that wants to take with it as much of the . . . . Continue Reading »

Misunderstanding Day

Catholic blogger Mark Shea points to a remarkably dim article by the best-selling religion scholar Stephen Prothero titled  Catholics will accept a saint who had an abortion . The title reminds me of the punch line of a series of jokes popular when I was in junior high school, the first and . . . . Continue Reading »

Bishop Tanglefoot

I learned this morning from a friend of the pastoral letter recently issued by the Right Reverend Lawrence C. Provenzano, the bishop of the Episcopal Church’s Long Island diocese, to be read aloud at all services on Sunday, August 7.  The letter, an effort to adapt to the new law . . . . Continue Reading »

The Problems With Hospice

Stories like this drive me crazy.  A for-profit hospice is being sued for allowing one of its patients to have maggots in a wound without treatment.  The excuse given is utterly unacceptable.  From the Bloomberg column, “Preparing Americans for Death Allows Hospices to Neglect . . . . Continue Reading »

Narcissa’s Camera

Timothy Dalrymple on the need to consider our motives when becoming “radical” disciples for Christ : Since I was planning on writing this series, I mentioned my concern that some people (including myself) might pursue radical Christian living for the benefit of what I’ll call . . . . Continue Reading »

On the Square Today

In today’s On the Square feature , Gabriel Torretta uses an example from Shakespeare to show what happens when the state tries to be church for its people: “Law is framed as a rule or measure of human acts,” says Thomas Aquinas, and “different things are measured by different . . . . Continue Reading »

First Links - 07.25.11

Contracepting Conscience , Public Discourse (Helen Alvaré) Catholic Church wants to buy Crystal Cathedral , Spero News (Martin Barillas) Gay split causes upheaval for Lutheran charities , AP (Rachel Zoll) (Via: TitusOneNine ) Scientific Advances on Contraceptive for Men , New York Times (Pam . . . . Continue Reading »

Is a Master’s the New Bachelor’s?

Has it really come to this ? Call it credential inflation. Once derided as the consolation prize for failing to finish a Ph.D. or just a way to kill time waiting out economic downturns, the master’s is now the fastest-growing degree. The number awarded, about 657,000 in 2009, has more than . . . . Continue Reading »



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