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The More Refined, More Sensitive, Etc.

A brilliant article by The Atlantic ‘s Jonathan Rauch: Caring for Your Introvert . Here, for example, is just one of his insights: Are introverts arrogant?  Hardly. I suppose this common misconception has to do with our being more intelligent, more reflective, more independent, more . . . . Continue Reading »

An Unprincipled Charity

Archbishop Charles Chaput has written two useful meditations ( “A Principled Charity” and “Catholic Charity in Secular America” ) for our On the Square page on the nature of Christian charitable practice in general and the organization Catholic Charities, USA in particular. . . . . Continue Reading »

“The Rules Sometimes Aren’t Enough”

Theologians working in the key of Hans Urs von Balthasar or, more recently, David Bentley Hart have come to a renewed appreciation of the deep links between truth and beauty. Because I have great sympathies for this line of thought, I am often self-conscious of how mainline Protestant traditions - . . . . Continue Reading »

Pennings on Breivik

My friend Ray Pennings has written an insightful op-ed piece in The Globe and Mail that is worth reading: Don’t blame religion for Anders Breivik. An excerpt:The crimes of which Anders Breivik stands accused don’t show how religion can inspire evil. Quite the contrary: They are proof . . . . Continue Reading »

SHS Meltdown: Surgeries Rationed

The UK’s National Health Service continues its collapse.  Now, things have gotten so tight that surgeries are being rationed. From the story:Hip replacements, cataract surgery and tonsil removal are among operations now being rationed in a bid to save the NHS money. Two-thirds of health . . . . Continue Reading »



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