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Americans ahead of their time

In 1931 the Statute of Westminster elevated the so-called Dominions within the British Empire to a status of equality with the United Kingdom itself. These included Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Newfoundland, the Union of South Africa and the Irish Free State. The Empire thus became the . . . . Continue Reading »

It’s Fannie’s Fault

George Wil l is endorsing and so trying to mainstream a new book convincingly making the case case that a Democratic president and Congress prodded the basically unaccountable Fannie Mae (dominated by Democrats and basically a huge Democratic interest group) to abandon ordinary prudence or good . . . . Continue Reading »

AARP Betrays Seniors by Supporting IPAB

Obamacare will be disastrous for Medicare recipients. $500 billion came out of the program to help make Obamacare appear (through smoke and mirrors) to be fiscally responsible. Worse, it established the anti democratic and bureaucratically unaccountable quasi Star Chamber known as the Independent . . . . Continue Reading »

Michele, Mitt, and Rick

According to lots of Republican experts , the race for the nomination has already been winnowed down to Bachmann, Romney, and Perry. I agree with Pete that Pawlenty could come back if Bachmann self-destructs before Iowa, but that seems very unlikely. Perry, at first glance, seems like the mean . . . . Continue Reading »

Locke and the Family

In today’s Journal , Peter Berkowitz comments on the recent Supreme Court decision on selling violent video games to children. He doesn’t say explicitly what side he’s on (if any) but he does come off as much more in sympathy with the dissenters; at any rate he . . . . Continue Reading »

Refocusing on the Family

In 1977, child psychologist James Dobson left his job at Children’s Hospital and the USC School of Medicine to open a small, two-room office, calling it Focus on the Family. During the same year Dobson created a radio show that, at its height, was heard on over 3,000 radio stations and . . . . Continue Reading »



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