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The Wisdom of Civic Geekness

I make a regular practice of linking other blogs that completely agree with me on big issues like beverages and regard me as a hero. I also invite their wise author(s) to join us here on postmodern conservative. Rumor has it that Jason Joseph of MUSINGS ON THE PUBLIC SQUARE will join us here . . . . Continue Reading »

Rick Perry Studies: The Mark Of Texas

John writes (quoting Kevin Williamson’s fine profile of Perry), “’If Jeb Bush’s name were Jeb Smith, he’d be the next president of the United States,’ says Texas governor Rick Perry, and then there’s a long pause in the conversation to let pass the unspoken . . . . Continue Reading »

Ratzinger on the West and East

Those interested in the relations of the Catholic and Orthodox Churches, or in the problems and challenges of ecumenism in general, may find of interest Orthodox in Communion with Rome . . . Something to think about  (the comments of DeVille and Tighe are useful as well). It begins with . . . . Continue Reading »

Medical-Advice-Column Malpractice

Dr. Peter Gott writes a widely syndicated newspaper column giving medical advice, competing for space with Dear Abby , crossword puzzles, and Doonesbury .  In his column published in my local paper this morning (see it in a different paper here ) he takes up the matter of stem cells, and . . . . Continue Reading »

Concerns About Other People’s Pleasures

As usual, I find myself in complete agreement with Hadley Arkes : Even when we accept capital punishment, we have long backed away from staging executions as spectator sports. And even in this age of coarsening sensibility, we have continued to ban cock-fighting and comparable blood sports. . . . . Continue Reading »

Evangelical Atheists vs. Humanity

A short street in southwest Brooklyn has given some militant atheists the opportunity to prove once again that being angry against God turns one against man, as well. Richards Street has been renamed “Seven in Heaven Way” in honor of the seven local firefighters killed on 9/11. . . . . Continue Reading »

The Largest Cheating Scandal in U.S. History

An investigation reveals widespread cheating in Atlanta’s public school system . No, not just among the students, among the teachers and principals and administrators : At least 178 teachers and principals at nearly four dozen schools in Atlanta have been implicated in what is likely the . . . . Continue Reading »



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