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A family bible

My great-grandmother, Lucy Jane Bentley Hyder, died several years before I was born, so I have no personal memories of her. However, I do have her family Bible, a hefty King James version printed in 1892 that has been passed down the generations and came into my possession not quite twenty years . . . . Continue Reading »

Losing to Themselves

Everybody needs to read William Voegeli’s awesome post  on how Obama is running circles around the congressional Republicans in the public argument over the debt ceiling increase and cutting the deficit.  Somehow Obama is now the one who is serious about controlling the . . . . Continue Reading »

Queering the Statue of Liberty

On a visit to the Statue of Liberty with some international guests this weekend, I noticed a series of poster boards set up just inside the pedestal of the statue. Seeing the official National Park Service emblem and design at the top of each poster, I mentally consigned them to the fetid swamp of . . . . Continue Reading »

Division of Labor in the Church

Peter J. Leithart notes that the spiritual gifts in the church are rarely the same as the skills valued in the secular world: Brian Brock argues that the church’s diversity of gifts should not be understood as a “division of labor.” That conforms the church to the social models of . . . . Continue Reading »

Radical Environmentalism: Harming People

I think that the once noble environmental movement is going mad.  Human hunger is a terrible scourge, and genetically altered wheat and other agricultural products could help substantially alleviate much human misery.  But radical environmentalists loathe such experiments and try to stifle . . . . Continue Reading »

Are Public Company CEOs Overpaid?

Many people think that CEOs of public companies are systematically overpaid. David F. Larcker and Brian Tayan, both of the Stanford University Graduate School of Business, disagree. In a paper recently posted on the Social Science Research Network, they argue as follows: While it is true that . . . . Continue Reading »



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