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Nerd Studies: No Hobbits Here

I’m late getting to it, but the Wall Street Journal /John McCain comparison of the most strident Tea Party affiliated politicians to hobbits just doesn’t work.  The worst that can reasonably be said about the most recalcitrant of the Tea Party-affiliated congressmen, is that they . . . . Continue Reading »

John Stott: A Young Evangelical

Amidst commentary on the passing of evangelical leader John Stott has been the occasional suggestion that Stott represented the propositionalist, logic-driven, “modern” evangelicalism of the past. For better or for worse, younger evangelicals today, on the other hand, tend to prefer . . . . Continue Reading »

The Withering Away of the State?

George Will , in reflecting on the nature of the American regime, notices that Michele Bachmann reads von Mises at the beach (well, better than Rand by far) and that the young, raised on the huge and unregulated menu of choice that is the internet, are basically libertarians. The libertarians, as . . . . Continue Reading »

Why CNN Still Can’t Speak Christian

Well, I suppose one should be grateful that a mainstream-media outlet like CNN is interested in what Christians believe over and above the desire to either mock or marginalize. But this video , which was featured as part of a nicely designed homepage, does more harm than good, I think. At . . . . Continue Reading »

Saints, Heroes, and ME

Here’s my contribution to the Weil dimension of Grant studies in response to Jason Hanson’s just criticism in the thread below. And now that the trauma is over (I’m no saint or hero) I can announce that yesterday was my 60th birthday. . . . . Continue Reading »

Headline: ‘Russian Shows Resolve’

It’s true, he did! Dmitry Bibikow of Harare, Zimbabwe, and originally of Voronezh, has been wheelchair-bound since a climbing accident, which is a problem because his apartment is on the fifth floor. The local council still hadn’t installed a promised elevator after six years, so he . . . . Continue Reading »

Check Me Out On Twitter

It has come to my attention that some SHSers might be interested in following me on Twitter. Mostly,I use it to Tweet SHS posts, but I also, from time to time, comment on matters irrelevant here, which I find myself doing more often lately. My Tweet handle is “forcedexit” for anyone so . . . . Continue Reading »



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