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A Week in Baltimore

I will be at the ISI honors program this week at the Admiral Fell hotel in Fell’s Point, Baltimore. Tomorrow afternoon I will speak on Lockean America, etc. Among other things, I will explain why the road to serfdom never gets to serfdom and why I am right about the Tea Party. And everything . . . . Continue Reading »

Ready for Jeb Yet?

I believe I am, after reading that Pawlenty Studies thread below where Peter says the choice will come down to Bachmann or Romney.  It’s been long enough, Iraq’s as okay as you could hope for, and Obama’s failure to reverse the most-demonized Bush II policies mean that the . . . . Continue Reading »

We’re Evenly Divided Again

MY view on what a study shows is that neither party speaks for the people now. That might point to compromise on this debt ceiling thing—over which the president is cleverly disingenuous and the Republicans seem confused. But the deeper point is that the Republicans have a lot of work to do . . . . Continue Reading »

Murdoch’s good news of the world

A newsworthy item from the CNN Belief Blog:It just so happens that Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp., which is weathering a storm of criticism around newspaper ethics, also owns the rights to the world’s best-selling English Bible, the New International Version.Could this lead to an explosion . . . . Continue Reading »

We Have…

such things in our public discourse as Sheila Jackson Lee’s outburst accusing opponents of a debt ceiling increase on our current President’s terms as motivated by racism.  I guess we have to address them, even though time, energy, and attention would be more enjoyably spent . . . . Continue Reading »



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