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Good Morning, Baltimore…

No, I haven’t been singing that horrible song from HAIRSPRAY (in truth, not bad as a whole) when I go outside here in the city of endless row houses. But, here’s my first report on the ISI honors week. Paul Seaton—who lurks in our threads and is Baltimore’s most . . . . Continue Reading »

On the Square Today

In today’s On the Square feature , William L. Saunders defends Archbishop Charles Chaput against his critics: Considering the subtitle of Michael Sean Winters’ attack upon the newly selected Archbishop of Philadelphia, Charles Chaput, to wit, “The problem with Culture Warrior . . . . Continue Reading »

Scholars Aren’t Quartermasters

D. A. Carson on the pastor as scholar and the scholar as pastor : Now, any army needs quartermasters. They are the ones who provide the supplies to the frontlines. By all means, give appropriate honor to those who devote themselves to equipping and supplying—with books, training, courses, . . . . Continue Reading »

Visualizing the Word

When he realized that he lacked the the self-discipline for daily Scripture reading, graphic designer Jim LePage decided to try something different: create original designs for each book of the Bible. The result is his sometimes edgy, always awesome series Word . Here are a few examples of . . . . Continue Reading »

Where did the Master Orator Go?

Where Did the Master Orator Go? Jim Ceaser (also on commentary contention site) 07.26.2011 - 12:23 PM Can an American president call for a speech on prime time television to talk about the weather? We came fairly close to a test of this proposition last night. Americans, who have been hearing . . . . Continue Reading »

Boogety, Boogety, Boogety, An Update

More on the NASCAR prayer featured in Boogety, Boogety, Boogety , posted yesterday: a report titled  Pastor Defends Calling Wife Smokin Hot Before NASCAR Race . The significant line: “I want to get somebody’s attention, so that’s been our desire every time we’ve been up . . . . Continue Reading »

First Links - 07.26.11

Philosophy, Marriage, and Moral Grandstanding , Public Discourse (Sherif Girgis) Sexual Anxiety, Personality Predictors of Infidelity, Study Says , ScienceDaily Title IX on the mat: Pro-girl sports law could hurt guys , WORLD (Tiffany Owens) Who owns America? Hint: It’s not China , CNN (Tom . . . . Continue Reading »



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