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One of the many themes not dealt with adequately if at all, by contemporary fiction is a realistic portrayal on the effect of religion upon sincere believers. Often modern portrayals are hostile and even when not, they are often mythic (think of Flannery O’Connor) or sentimentalized. A happy . . . . Continue Reading »

The World’s Most Powerful Weapon Against AIDS

The world’s most powerful weapon against AIDS, says Rick Warren, is the church : One of the great lessons of this fight is that the single fastest way to mobilize at the grassroots level around the world is through local congregations. Nothing comes close to the size and scope of this pool of . . . . Continue Reading »

Ohio House Approves Abortion Ban After Heartbeat

The fact that we we have to have legislation prohibiting the killing of a human with a beating heart is depressing. The fact that it may not pass muster with the judiciary branch is downright disturbing. Nevertheless, the Ohio House of Representatives deserves praise for their efforts : The Ohio . . . . Continue Reading »

Why (Or Why Not) Rick Perry?

I  don’t know what to think about Rick Perry running for President.  I sure don’t have anything against him running, but several points as to Perry’s political strengths, 1.  Perry gets a lot of credit because Texas under his governorship has had population increase . . . . Continue Reading »

Happy Fourth of July!

1. Here are BIG THINK comments on the Declaration and all that. 2. There are some good comments below on the statesmanship of Eisenhower’s farewell speech that includes the stuff about the military-industrial complex. 3. My objections are to the perspective that develops when that stuff and . . . . Continue Reading »



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