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First Links - 07.06.11

Sex and the Empire State , National Review Online (Interview with Robert P. George) Anthony juror wanted to know how Caylee died , CBS News (Alex Sundby) Miracle claimed for World War II-era pope , Associated Press British TV takes on the ‘Life of Muhammad , USA Today (Cathy Lynn Grossman) . . . . Continue Reading »

The Biggest Religion Case in 20 Years?

The Supreme Court may soon decide whether a fired teacher is a religious employer —and the ramifications could be significant: Though a decision may be an entire year away, churches are keeping a close eye on the case. The turning point is whether the teacher can be considered a ministerial . . . . Continue Reading »

Restoring the Relevance of the Liberal Arts

Apparently it’s open season on the value of the liberal arts in contemporary higher education.  From new studies that reveal the paucity of financial rewards for humanities majors to complaints about the ideological insurgency that some see underway in the traditional study of arts and . . . . Continue Reading »

Video Games, Violence, and the Supreme Court

Kotaku, the most trafficked video-game blog in the world, has reprinted our On the Square article by Archbishop Chaput on violence and videogames . If you missed it last week, it’s worth catching up on. You should also check out the articles on that Supreme Court by law professor Gregory K. . . . . Continue Reading »

Rick Perry Studies: An Effective Governor?

The New York Times is taking a friendly interest in Rick Perry (please excuse the crude linking as I am away from home.) The Times notes that Perry is no George W. Bush It also turns out that Perry is pretty good at . . . . Continue Reading »



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