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More on Potter

An addition to yesterday’s item on Michael O’Brien’s reaction to the Harry Potter stories: an alternative, and I think wiser, analysis of how the Christian ought to approach the stories by my friend Steven Hutchens: The Helpful Discovery of Dirt in Potter’s Field and  . . . . Continue Reading »

Gregg Strikes Back

Samuel Gregg has a really great piece on The Public Discourse this morning, deconstructing my qualified defense of Locke here on First Thoughts. ( See also ) This is serious stuff and I’ll be composing a full-dress reply to run over on PD. In the meantime, let me thank Gregg for investing the . . . . Continue Reading »

On the Square Today

Today in our first feature article, Peter Leithart addresses his fellow evangelicals on Torah and social justice: Until recently, few evangelicals had much to say about “social justice.” Leftish evangelicals like Ron Sider, Jim Wallis, and Tony Campolo, along with Evangelicals for Social . . . . Continue Reading »

The ADD Method of Teaching

Leroy Huizenga, who wrote one of yesterday’s “On the Square” articles , sends the link to an interview on teaching, media ecology, and related matters with a former colleague, Wheaton’s Read Suchardt . Among the questions and answers: What makes a good teacher today? How do . . . . Continue Reading »

Capital and Moral Capital

As Rusty Reno recently observed  in these pages, the poorest have been hit the hardest by the rise of out-of-wedlock birth, cohabitation, divorce, and remarriage. But Harold James , an economic historian at Princeton University and senior fellow of the Witherspoon Institute, notes in his . . . . Continue Reading »



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