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Orphans as Parents

Susan Gregory Thomas has a fact-filled and forlorn article on Generation X parents : Every generation has its life-defining moments. If you want to find out what it was for a member of the Greatest Generation, you ask: “Where were you on D-Day?” For baby boomers, the questions are: . . . . Continue Reading »

I’m Coming Virginia

This last year I’ve been living in upstate New York, and the people have been great. Delightful students at Skidmore College, for one. But now, largely thanks to Lucas Morel , author of one of our better books on Lincoln, I’m returning to what’s become my home away from home, the . . . . Continue Reading »

Is North Dakota Really a State?

Since no one I know has ever actually seen North Dakota, I always wondered if it wasn’t mythical, the geographical equivalent of snipe or jackalopes.  It turns out that while North Dakota exists (maybe) it may not actually be a state : An 82-year old Grand Forks man has pointed out a . . . . Continue Reading »

All Truth is God’s Truth - So?

The assertion that “all truth is God’s truth” obviously doesn’t reflect a relativistic outlook on the existence or nature of truth. Those who express this sentiment truly do believe there is truth to be discovered. In a pluralistic context, however, where the epistemological . . . . Continue Reading »

Cinematic Cosmic Joy

I have previously written in this space of Eric Rohmer’s film L’amour après-midi , in my opinion, the best film of one of the best filmmakers after the incomparable Robert Bresson. (I have written about Bresson here ) There is another of Rohmer’s films that I think is especially . . . . Continue Reading »

First Links - 07.12.11

Polygamist, Under Scrutiny in Utah, Plans Suit to Challenge Law , New York Times (John Schwartz) Closing the book on open marriage , Washington Post (W. Brad Wilcox) TNR vs. SBA , National Review Online (Ramesh Ponnuru) Israel: Jesus baptism site along Jordan River now open daily , Associated Press . . . . Continue Reading »

Faith and the Federal Budget

Paul Ryan, chairman of the U.S. House Budget Committee, is one of the most intriguing representatives in Congress. The more I hear from him, the more I respect his carefully considered viewpoint. Someday I hope to hear him explain how he squares his love of Ayn Rand with his Catholic faith. Until . . . . Continue Reading »



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