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TV and ME

Inspired by John below, here are some shows I like. If I had more time, I would add COMMUNITY and PARENTHOOD. I do finally talk about FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS, suggesting that it’s both an affirmation of and criticism of PORCHERISM. . . . . Continue Reading »

Community on Television

So we should talk about important things. One of these important things has to do with the television show Community not receiving any Emmy nominations. Here is a show about a diverse group of students nay friends who make their way through Spanish and anthropology courses in terms of relying on . . . . Continue Reading »

Hammertime with Martin Luther

Concordia Publishing House recently released a new graphic novel about Martin Luther . When I saw the cover I got excited, thinking it might be a radical re-imagining of the reformer’s story (Thor as rogue monk?). I mean, look at it: squinty-eyes, clenched fist, tough guy looking over his . . . . Continue Reading »

The Bible as Philosophical Document

At Jewish Ideas Daily, Aryeh Tepper has an intriguing review of Yoram Hazony’s forthcoming book, The Philosophy of Hebrew Scripture : What manner of work is the Hebrew Bible? The 17th-century freethinker Baruch (Benedict) Spinoza had an answer. As part of his war to emancipate . . . . Continue Reading »

Two-Parent Families and Slavery

Rep. Michele Bachmann was recently criticized for signing a pledge titled “The Marriage Vow: A Declaration of Dependence Upon Marriage and Family” which included a section that said: “Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families, yet sadly a child born into slavery . . . . Continue Reading »

Risking Human Lives to Save Ducks?

Once in a while, a small story captures a piece of the contemporary cultural zeitgeist in which our hyper emotions about animals reaches the point of neurotic behavior.  I think this case of a woman trying to save ducks on a freeway, qualifies. From the Everett Herald story:Traffic tangled on . . . . Continue Reading »

First Links - 7.14.11

Judge: Catholic Charities can keep serving foster kids, for now , Chicago Tribune (Ray Long & Manya A. Brachear) Atheists: Texas prayer day harmful , Associated Press Final gasp of the ‘Harry Potter’ wars? , The Republi c (Terry Mattingly) TOMS Shoes and Focus on the Family: A . . . . Continue Reading »



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