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Confessions of a Cage Fighter

Matt Morin has a good article on masculinity, misogyny, homoeroticism, embodiment, and mixed martial arts: Before enrolling in divinity school, I was a cage fighter—not a full-time cage fighter, not a world-famous cage fighter, not even a person for whom cage fighting paid the bills, but a cage . . . . Continue Reading »

Transhumanism’s Solipsistic Utopianism

The Discover magazine blog has a piece posted by one Kyle Munkittrick, which explains in a very succinct and understandable way, the socially anarchic values that lie at the heart of transhumanist Utopianism. First, Munkittrick describes the near-metaphysical goals of the movement: From “When . . . . Continue Reading »

Random Observations

1. So welcome back JWC! Everything you say about the admirable uniqueness of the TEA PARTY movement is right. I just don’t know how popular it is, finally. The most prudent of Americans regard the necessary entitlement cuts—including inevitable big cuts in Social Security and . . . . Continue Reading »

The Moral Landscape (a review)

Does science have anything to tell us about the nature of morality? Could use of the scientific method help us apprehend the nature of good and evil? Sam Harris certainly thinks so as he appeals to the burgeoning field of neuroscience as the pathway to discovering objective moral facts. For example, . . . . Continue Reading »

Quotables — 7.16.11

My baby was a bastard because I couldn’t get a lesbian divorce. —Karen Hartman in ” Bound in a Gay Union by a State Denying It ” Has America become a nation of psychotics? You would certainly think so, based on the explosion in the use of antipsychotic medications. In 2008, . . . . Continue Reading »

Blaming it all on the Tea Party

I am reemerging from the depths and am posting a blog done last night for Commentary (with John York). Blaming It All On the Tea Party James W. Ceaser and John York 07.15.2011 - 5:30 PM With the breakdown of negotiations on a so-called grand bargain on the debt limit demanded by President Obama, . . . . Continue Reading »

Marriage for Savages

Ross Douthat’s Op-ed The Future of Gay Marriage discusses Dan Savage’s call for Open Marriage .  Savage’s suggestion  that we legitimate infidelity poses the following question for Sophisticated Americans: If the Judeo-Christian understanding of marriage as heterosexual is . . . . Continue Reading »


1. Was all about the primacy of family—both natural families and those formed by necessity and circumstances. 2. Was very hard on Dillon—the small town, the place. The evil oligarchs who really run the town decided to consolidate the two football teams (of the two high schools) into one . . . . Continue Reading »



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