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Chaput in First Things

New on the site today is an article by Charles J. Chaput, the newly designated leader of Philadelphia’s Catholics. If you haven’t seen it already, you can read it here . It’s a follow-up to an article last week on the same topic, which you can find here . I’ve . . . . Continue Reading »

Dr. Bachmann’s Diagnosis

In the Corner, Glenn Stanton comments on the juvenile snickering in some quarters about Dr. Marcus Bachmann, whose professional practice includes - as one thing among much else - helping people cope with unwanted same-sex desires. There’s no particular reason you would have heard of Dr. . . . . Continue Reading »

An Exceptional Politician

Having written yesterday in Michele Bachmann, the Anti-Christ, and the Political Theologian  on the need for politicians to be more transparent about their theological beliefs than they tend to be, I was greatly cheered to turn on the radio a few hours later while running errands in the car . . . . Continue Reading »

Happy Belated Anniversary, Benedict

Here is something that was supposed to go up on June 29th, but, um, didn’t. But the links may interest some of you, even late: Today is the sixtieth anniversary of Joseph Ratzinger’s ordination to the priesthood. Someone has found and posted a movie of parts of the service . You can see . . . . Continue Reading »

The Five Pillars of Anti-Semitism

Walter Russell Mead on contemporary anti-Semitism : Since Hitler’s death, the world has defined anti-Semitism down. Nurturing ancient fantasies of secret Jewish cabals that control the media and play politicians like puppets on a string, and making political judgments based on these fantasies . . . . Continue Reading »

First Links - 7.19.11

Pope names Chaput to succeed Philadelphia archbishop , USA Today (Cathy Lynn Grossman) ‘Instant churches’ convert public schools to worship spaces , USA Today (Cathy Lynn Grossman and Natalie DiBlasio) Why We Don’t Use Natural Family Planning , Her.meneutics (Ellen Painter Dollar) . . . . Continue Reading »

Friday Night Lights Fight (Revised)

Here’s a comment from the thread below on my post on the last FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS. It’s somewhat pro-Porcher and supported by evidence. Additions and revisions are mostly parenthetical at this point, but inin a most postodern way I hope the revision process will be continuous. Not sure . . . . Continue Reading »



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