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My Amazing Grace

Ruth signed me up to be the surprise family reader at Grace’s kindergarten class on Friday. I showed up the end of lunch and Grace was thrilled to see me. As was the rest of her class. When a parent shows up, they all act star struck, as if Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt had suddenly arrived.We . . . . Continue Reading »

Thirty Three Things (v. 17)

1. Cashvertise The average 100 USD Note is circulating for 7.4 years, it changes hands on average 3x per week, so each ad on a 100 USD note is seen by more then 1000 persons. I would say, this can easily be sold at 5 USD/note. The other notes are much shorter in circulation: $1: 1.8 years $5: 1.3 . . . . Continue Reading »

Never Let Me Go

Our friend Joan Frawley Desmond has reviewed the new movie Never Let Me Go on the Catholic site Headline Bistro . Written by Kazuo Ishiguro — the British writer that earned global fame with The Remains of the Day , a riveting story of a class-bound butler in pre-war England — Never Let Me . . . . Continue Reading »

Ohio Militia Dudes!

  It seems that just weeks before the general election that old leftist rag, Time Magazine, has flushed out evidence of militant, right wing, militia types running around my neck of the woods:,8599,2022516,00.html As it turns out about fifteen years . . . . Continue Reading »

Advice to a Yank in Oxford

A wise father gives good advice to his children.My oldest joins the scores of Torrey Honors students who have spent a semester taking classes in the excellent Coalition of Christian Colleges and Universities exchange program in Oxford. As a good father, I have tried to do research in order to give . . . . Continue Reading »



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