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Communion as a Political Statement

If a politician stood before us and proclaimed, polemically, that his campaign would be entirely without polemics, would we believe him? Or, worse, if he said his campaign would try to avoid politics? Tyranny over language either works or backfires spectacularly in political movements, and each . . . . Continue Reading »

Overcoming Sexual Puritanism

Joe reports that most teenagers aren’t sexually active in America today. In his Bancroft Prize-winning biography of Jonathan Edwards, George Marsden provides some historical contrast. Here is the skinny on pre-marital sex in eighteenth century Puritan New England: “Bundling,” which . . . . Continue Reading »

Scruton on T.S. Eliot and Conservatism

So this week, in political thought today, we’re reading Roger Scuton’s A POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY: ARGUMENTS FOR CONSERVATISM. Here are some excerpts from the last chapter on T.S. Eliot. They’re all relevant to Ralph’s spin on the Straussian theme of PROGRESS or RETURN. The real . . . . Continue Reading »

The Antinomian Gospel

In a recent posting, Tony Campolo effuses about the inclusive ministry of Jesus . Jesus, he writes, “was always reaching out to the marginalized.” Therefore, he concludes, evangelicals need to affirm homosexuals and support the political effort to secure for gays and lesbians “all . . . . Continue Reading »

Obamacare: Let the Exemptions Begin!

What a joke.  Last week there were reports that McDonald’s was going to drop its employees from health insurance coverage because Obamacare would increase the company’s costs.  This was roundly denied at the time, but now, guess what?  The bureaucrats have exempted . . . . Continue Reading »

Most Teens Aren’t Sexually Active

According to the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior—and contra the impression presented by Hollywood—the vast majority of teenagers are not having sex : Many surveys of adolescent sexual behavior create an impression that adolescents are becoming sexually active at younger . . . . Continue Reading »

How Poetry Got Religion (Again)

Is religious poetry making a comeback? Peggy Rosenthal at Image thinks so: When I was in college and grad school in literature in the 1960s, God was never mentioned in my courses—except as a metaphor. The poetry even of overtly religious writers like Herbert and Donne was read for its witty . . . . Continue Reading »

YUBA Theology

Seems like there’s a whole lot of Newman talk going on around here lately. It’s like he’s been beatified or something! I can’t exactly get behind that, but I can add my admiration of Newman’s Christian intellect to the chorus.There’s something I read in Newman . . . . Continue Reading »

Go Ahead, List Those Books

I’d been thinking that pointing you to the  Christian Century ‘s authors’ lists of the 5 most essential theological books of the last 25 years would spur you to give your own lists, but apparently not. Ranking people, making lists, and sharing such judgments are usually . . . . Continue Reading »



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