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Yet another English Bible . . .

. . . to fill what some persist in believing to be a desperate need for good translations of the Good Book. This one’s called the Common English Bible, which is an improvement over existing translations because of . . . what? I’m not sure, except that it appears to use more contractions . . . . Continue Reading »

Thirty Three Things (v. 18)

1. How Pascal’s Triangle Explains Poetry Poetry . . . is mathematics. It is close to a particular branch of the subject known as combinatorics, the study of permutations – of how one can arrange particular groups of objects, numbers or letters according to stated laws. As early as 200 . . . . Continue Reading »

Afternoon Links — 10.8.10

The North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation has issued their latest statement, Steps Towards a Reunited Church . They begin by noting that “the most divisive element in our traditions has been a growing diversity, since the late patristic centuries, in the ways we understand . . . . Continue Reading »

The Occasional Calendar — 10.8.10

Events of possible interest to our readers: Catholic, Orthodox, Polish National Catholic, and Anglican speakers will discuss Dominus Iesus on its tenth anniversary on October 15th at the University of Scranton. Peter van Inwagen to lecture on Bertrand Russell on Evidence and Religious Belief . The . . . . Continue Reading »

A Good Lead

A friend sends an opening paragraph in The Economist he thought very good, so I send it along for those of you who like this sort of thing: HE HAS just been anointed the guardian of socialism in an economically troubled country, leaping ahead of a sidelined elder brother and representing a new . . . . Continue Reading »



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