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Why the Devil Wears Prada

Does how much you care about having brand-name items depend on how religious you are ? The brand name logo on a laptop or a shirt pocket may do the same thing for some people that a pendant of a crucifix or Star of David does for others. For people who aren’t deeply religious, visible markers . . . . Continue Reading »

The Moralists’ Just Charge

It is always fun to find a writer you enjoy agreeing with you. Making a point I made yesterday in From Junior High Down to VH1 ,  Andrew Ferguson writes about the once notorious humor magazine   National Lampoon in  Read This Review Or . . . from the Wall Street Journal : In the . . . . Continue Reading »

Religious Liberty and the Supreme Court

In an important article , Allan Hertzke reflects on the threats to religious liberty in the aftermath of the CLS v. Martinez decision. While he admires Justice Antonin Scalia’s dissent in that case, he wonders if we are not now reaping what Scalia sowed back in 1990, with his opinion for the . . . . Continue Reading »



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