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A Convert to the Blindingly Obvious

“David, your writing is always inspirational,” begins the first comment on David Hart’s The Desirist’s Unsatisfiable Desires , today’s first “On the Square” article,. The commenter is responding, I think, to Dr. Hart’s insights into the moral life, . . . . Continue Reading »

The Weird World of LOLCats

[Note: Every Friday on First Thoughts we host a discussion about some aspect of popular culture. Have a suggestion for a topic? Send them to me at] Some people think the internet was created for dirty pictures and political arguments. But the true reason is that people . . . . Continue Reading »

Marx and Genetic Inheritance

You know, I’m looking at the two most recent transfers of power in Communist countries — from Fidel to his brother Raul Castro and from Kim Jong Il to his young son — and I’m wondering how I missed the part in the Communist Manifesto where the leaders of the revolution . . . . Continue Reading »

Council of Europe Does the Right Thing

As C-FAM reports , representatives in the Council of Europe, the European legislative body that meets in Strasbourg, France, reversed an effort by abortion proponents. A resolution came before the Council that was designed to make it difficult for medical professionals to refuse to perform or . . . . Continue Reading »

Mean Lutherans

Over at Cranach , Gene Edward Veith (provost and professor of literature at Patrick Henry College) ponders the state of argumentation in a world of blogging, and for good reason. His . . . innocent little post has now chalked up a record 422 comments at last count. What happened is that a very . . . . Continue Reading »

Afternoon Links — 10.14.10

Mental Floss offers Ten of the Best Parents in Fiction and What Ten Classic Books Were Almost Called . The number one parent is Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird , and Bram Stoker considered The Dead Un-Dead for the book eventually published as  Dracula . Joan Frawley Desmond . . . . Continue Reading »

Who Owns Our National Debt?

Who holds the biggest part of our national debt? China? Japan? No, the bulk is owned by the Federal Reserve . Now,  the central bank owns over $808 billion in treasuries . And it still has over $1.086 trillion of MBS in its portfolio left to sell. Since the middle of August,  the Fed has . . . . Continue Reading »



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