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Afternoon Links — 10.15.10

E. Christian Brugger reports on the dark side of the infertility industry . The woman whose body is over-stimulated to produce eggs “might suffer excruciating abdominal pain, blood clots, infections, kidney failure, loss of her ovaries, shock, and, in rare cases, death.” And “if . . . . Continue Reading »

Diversity and Toleration

President Obama has been tireless in speaking about and promoting religious tolerance.  Our religious diversity, he contends, is a source of our strength, so long as we act in accordance with our heritage of religious toleration.  Here’s how he put it in his Inaugural Address : . . . . Continue Reading »

The Wilberforce Scandal

A couple of months ago I asked whether William Wilberforce, the eighteenth century abolitionist and hero to modern evanglecals, was complicit in the practice of slavery in Africa. Today, Ted Olsen at Christianity Today follows up on the story and provides more details: Every successful . . . . Continue Reading »

Can You Believe in Bigfoot and the Bible?

CNN’s Belief blog has some good quotes from the co-authors of the book Paranormal America: Ghost Encounters, UFO Sightings, Bigfoot Hunts, and Other Curiosities in Religion and Culture . Carson Mencken says conservative Christians tend not to think too much about UFOs and Bigfoot: The people . . . . Continue Reading »

A Nobel Fail

In The Nobel Prize That Wasn’t , today’s second “On the Square” feature, our managing editor Mary Rose Somarriba explains why “why this year’s Nobel Prize for the discovery of IVF represents a failure.” Aimed at creating fertilized embryos, IVF destroys many . . . . Continue Reading »



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