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Why Believe the Bible

In today’s “On the Square,” Joe Carter invents another verse for the famous Sunday School hymn “Jesus Loves Me,” having to do with Scripture. “But is it enough to believe simply because the Bible tells me so?” he asks in The Bible Tells Me So . Isn’t . . . . Continue Reading »

Contra Divided Government

So Democratic intellectuals are finally getting around to giving the case against the “gridlock” caused by the two “political” branches of government being controlled by different parties. Nothing will get done except through compromise! People will come to think that . . . . Continue Reading »

No Statute of Limitations on Slander

Ginny Thomas, wife of Justice Clarence Thomas, may be willing to forgive, but she doesn’t forget. A few weeks ago Mrs. Thomas called Anita Hill and left this message on her voicemail : Good morning Anita Hill, it’s Ginni Thomas. I just wanted to reach across the airwaves and the years . . . . Continue Reading »

Who Needs Denominations, Indeed?

A friend points out that the rate of attrition of American Jews is much higher than the standard estimates suggest. After a million Russian Jewish immigrants and perhaps half that number of Israelis, the numbers of American Jews remain static — which implies that a comparable number of . . . . Continue Reading »

Hermeneutical Americanism

Back in our December 2009 issue, we published a While We’re At It needling Conservapedia , the curious online home of the Conservative Bible Project . The underpinnings of that project, it seemed, stressed conservatism first and Christianity second. Sneering leftist hermeneuts, it’s . . . . Continue Reading »



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