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Everyone’s Transgressive

For many people, writes R. R. Reno in The Bohemian Mystique ,  the English painter Lucian Freud’s youthful adventures with criminals and other maladjusted misfits give his artistic vision a special authenticity. His experiences “on the margins” create a “transgressive . . . . Continue Reading »

Afternoon Links — 10.20.10

The famous French “new wave” filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard will receive an Oscar, despite his anti-semitism , at the same time being Jewish is falling out of fashion . A Jewish monks describes being a dedicated Jewish contemplative . The federal government wants to extend its power over . . . . Continue Reading »

The End of the World as They Know It

The crisis in the humanities has “officially” arrived, Stanley Fish asserts in his October 11th piece for The New York Times . Why now? Because on October 1st, SUNY Albany decided to cut the French, Italian, classics, Russian and theatre programs from the university curriculum. The . . . . Continue Reading »

The DOJ’s Pretense

The New York Times declares that President Obama has said that the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy “will end on my watch.” But the Department of Justice, following its tradition of defending laws passed by Congress, has fought efforts by the Log Cabin Republicans, a gay . . . . Continue Reading »

‘Culture of Poverty’ Makes a Comeback

Only Nixon could go to China. And only when a Democrat is in the Oval Office can we admit that culture can be a cause of poverty : For more than 40 years, social scientists investigating the causes of poverty have tended to treat cultural explanations like Lord Voldemort: That Which Must Not Be . . . . Continue Reading »



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