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Today’s Mark of Sophistication

“These days,” writes R. R. Reno in today’s “On the Square” article, Culture Matters More Than Politics , “the ability to talk about politics in a knowing way is treated as a mark of sophistication, so much so, I think, that we’ve come tacitly to regard . . . . Continue Reading »

Gnostic Meditations and other stuff!

Here are some insightful excerpts from, “Secret Cinema: A Gnostic Vision in Film,”  a book by Wake Forest University English Professor, Eric Wilson: Professor Peters, a clever writer and provocateur at The . . . . Continue Reading »

Afternoon Links — 10.27.10

A Vietnamese man has adopted fifty babies to save them from being aborted. Minnesota’s Democratic Party sent a postcard to voters consisting of a picture of a priest with an “Ignore the poor” button photoshopped onto his shirt. Some family law scholars are now insisting that a . . . . Continue Reading »

What Moynihan Could Have Done

In Pat Moynihan: The Great Catholic “What if . . . ” , today’s second “On the Square” article, George Weigel describes the scholar, writer, and senator’s career  and ponders what he, with his great gifts and opportunities, he might have done. Although . . . . Continue Reading »

Tolerance? Nah, Too Easy

The chief virtue of 21st century America seems to be tolerance. In a pluralistic society, where values clash and cultures collide, it is considered to be the new glue that will hold us all together. It is the philosophy underlying “political correctness,” and the plea of almost all . . . . Continue Reading »

What You Can Do With a PhD in Theology

In the comments of R.R. Reno’s recent article on the best graduate theology programs , several readers are discussing the possibilities of finding work once the degree is completed. The Chronicle of Higher Education has the answer: you can become a janitor . Putting issues of student . . . . Continue Reading »


For several years, RealClearPolitics has been on of the best site on the web for stories and polling data related to politics. Recently, they’ve started branching out into other areas, such as science, sports, and finance. This week they’ve launched RealClearReligion , an aggregation . . . . Continue Reading »



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