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The Temperature of Mortality

Late, but only recently posted: Father George Rutler’s homily for the Mass for the repose of the soul of Richard John Neuhaus on the first anniversary of his death: He is Not Here . It includes: Tonight the risen Christ is offered in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the soul of Richard John . . . . Continue Reading »

What the Assumption Means

As a small contribution to ecumenical understanding, on this sixtieth anniversary of the promulgation of the doctrine of the Assumption in  Munificentissimus Deus, here is a section from my book Discovering Mary explaining what the pope said in defining it. It is, let me stress, only a “just . . . . Continue Reading »

Afternoon Links — 11.1.10

On the sixtieth anniversary of the promulgation of the Doctrine of the Assumption, a reflection on the dogma , which includes a video of the event. A government agency on the Isle of Wight is now letting girls as young as thirteen get “emergency contraception” and contraceptive pills . . . . Continue Reading »

How ‘Bout Dem Elections?

If NPR station manager Caryn Mathes had her way, the upcoming mid-term election would be meaningless. And if President Obama’s pre-election analysis of his party’s troubles is correct, it should be.  For America’s governing class, the scariest day of the year isn’t Halloween, but . . . . Continue Reading »

Very Religious Have Higher Levels of Well-Being

A new report by Gallup finds a significant correlation between well-being and religiosity : The most religious Americans show the highest levels of well-being as measured by factors ranging from physical and emotional health to self-evaluations of life to perceptions of work environment, according . . . . Continue Reading »



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