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Reforming the Reform

Today, Richard Stith has an i mportant short article on the front page of our website. He points out that, except for government programs for the poor, our old forms of health insurance, ones that were based more clearly on free market principles, had fairly expansive coverage of elective . . . . Continue Reading »

Where to Find Neuhaus

Our assistant editor Kevin Staley-Joyce sends a reminder of a website at which you can find a lot of Father Richard John Neuhaus’s articles, interviews with him, and open letters he wrote, as well as a long list of articles about him and reviews of his books. Go to the Richard John Neuhaus . . . . Continue Reading »

On Comparing Abortion to Slavery

Thabiti Anyabwile has a good post explaining why the comparison of abortion to slavery can be more hurtful than helpful : You see, I’m firmly pro-life and anti-abortion.  And I’m also one of those persons who responds, “How dare you compare abortion to slavery?!”  You . . . . Continue Reading »

Reform, Don’t Repeal

“Even if these good aspects of the legislation [the health care bill] are outweighed by its bad aspects, that is, if the net effect of the legislation at the moment is to advance abortion, it should not be repealed,” writes law professor and First Things writer Richard Stith in . . . . Continue Reading »

Barack Obama is NOT a Muslim

Rumors keep surfacing on the fringe of American politics that President Obama is a secret Muslim, including a recent video that has gone viral on Youtube. It involves an Israeli author, Avi Lipkin, who claims that his wife (who supposedly monitors Arab-language broadcasts professionally) heard a . . . . Continue Reading »

A Poet Illumines the Life of the Mind

In today’s first “On the Square” article, Losana Boyd reviews a new collection of poems, Kathleen Graber’s The Eternal City . “Brokenness haunts the pages” of the book, she writes in A Poet Haunted by Brokenness ., and the poet’s work “focuses on . . . . Continue Reading »

More Midterm Analysis

There’s much being said and written about the midterm elections (you can thank me later for not [yet, at least] adding my own voice to the cacophony). Right now, I’m just going to note a few pieces I just read, thanks to RealClearReligion . First, there’s the garden-variety . . . . Continue Reading »

Book Review: Saving Leonardo

Saving Leonardo: A Call to Resist the Secular Assault on Mind, Morals, & Meaning, by Nancy Pearcy (2010)Broadman & Holman Publishers: Nashville, TN“Today’s global secular culture has erected a maze of mental barriers against even considering the biblical message.” (15) . . . . Continue Reading »



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