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A Meditation on Dying

Today in “On the Square,” I offer a reflection on the bright cheerful promise of “death with dignity” and what true dignity entails, and requires.  Death Dignified by Christ is a meditation, of sorts, for the octave (the eighth day after) the Feast of All Saints. . . . . Continue Reading »

More on Abortions and Obamacare

OK, OK, I overstated my case with words like “irrefutable” when I commented on Richard Stith’s very interesting insights into the opportunity provided by the federalization of health insurance policy in America. Obviously, the question of the wisdom of federalizing health . . . . Continue Reading »

Obamacare: Let the Dismantling Begin

The recent election was, in the view of many, a popular mandate to reverse course on Obamacare and thwart it from centralizing American health care. A full repeal should be passed in the House ASAP. But it will be stopped cold in the Senate. But that’s okay, as that will increase unpopularity . . . . Continue Reading »

Pistol Pete

1. You really do need to be checking out NO LEFT TURNS now and again to keep up with the astute insight of Pete Spillakos . He explains—riffing off an article by Beran—that Obama is no Bill Clinton. He’s both better and worse: He’s positioned to be able to protect the . . . . Continue Reading »

Weekend Links — 11.6.10

Home Run for Hispanic Humanist reviews the work of Nobel Prize winner Mario Vargas Llosa as “that rare specimen who is both an academic and a man of action, an artist and an activist, a complex, passionate personality and a hard-headed politician. In the dark days of tyranny, he stood for . . . . Continue Reading »

MSNBC-Ya Later?

There’s blood in the water of the MSNBC snark tank. Friday it was announced that Keith Olbermann had been suspended—indefinitely. He apparently violated a corporate policy that forbids newsies making contributions to political campaigns without prior approval. As of now, it’s unclear . . . . Continue Reading »



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