Arianna Huffington is a fount of bad ideas, so its not really surprising that shes recently added to the Huffington Post an entire section dedicated to divorce. Heading up the project is thrice married film director Nora Ephron who says her theory is that marriages come and go, . . . . Continue Reading »
The German word Schrott means “junk;” the serendipitously-named Fr. Raymond A. Schroth S.J., offers junk arguments for the dissolution of the State of Israel. Writing Nov. 15 on the website of America magazine, he proposes the dissolution of the Jewish State in favor of a single . . . . Continue Reading »
Makoto Fujimura, a committed Christian and world-class painter, offers an open letter to young artists : Strict moralism has never produced great art. Like Marys expensive oil, our expression flows out as a response to grace in our lives. Even if you are not cognizant of a grace reality, you . . . . Continue Reading »
I will keep saying it: The proper way—and a principled way—to allow marijuana to be used as medicine without the chaos unleashed by state MM legalization—is to amend the Controlled Substances Act so it can be properly controlled and prescribed, but not sold on the . . . . Continue Reading »
Good for Governor Christie . He deserves praise for the veto, even if his staff is unwilling to defend it on its pro-life merits: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christies veto of a bill that included funding for Planned Parenthood has withstood a challenge from Democrats in the state senate. The veto . . . . Continue Reading »
In his Happy Birthday, Marines below, Joe Carter humbly neglects to mention the “On the Square” article he wrote for today on a related subject, The True Liberty to Forget . He begins with a story of his days as a Marine recruiter and the surprising ignorance of a young woman he meets . . . . Continue Reading »
[Note: My annual post in honor of the Marine Corps birthday.] Today marks the 235th birthday of the finest fighting force in the history of the world. The Marine Corps Birthday makes me nostalgic for the good ol‚ . . . well, maybe good is too strong a word. In fact, I can’t say that I miss . . . . Continue Reading »
Wow. I am surprised—and very flattered. SHSer Lauren tells me that President Bush’s new book Decision Points quotes me. The Corner also takes note, because the quote is from something I wrote on NRO. Here’s what Bush wrote:Those on the other side of the debate . . . . Continue Reading »
Well, I’m not surprised. As Joe mentioned last week , the death salesman who created the exhibitions of human bodies is now putting up his specially prepared cadavers up for sale . Gunther von Hagens came up with techniques for extracting fluids and fatty flesh from dead bodies that are . . . . Continue Reading »
Though we don’t celebrate Veterans Day until Thursday, in preparation readers may want to read Joe Carter’s “On the Square” article from last year: What a Veteran Knows . For me, it’s a useful reminder to think about those the day celebrates and what we owe them . . . . Continue Reading »