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Leo, say it ain’t so!

Considering that many of the scholars that blog here are, to one degree or another, Straussians, I found this blog over at Spengler . . . well, informative. Because I’ve not read Strauss and what . . . . Continue Reading »

You Keep Believing That

Politico asks and answers the question: “Was abortion a wave-stopper for Democrats in 2010?” As many of the anti-abortion Democrats elected over the last four years were going down in defeat, the party made abortion a central concern in a handful of battleground Senate races — and . . . . Continue Reading »

Why Love the Church

As I’ve hopscotched around the internet the last month I’ve come across a G. K. Chesterton quote that offers some wisdom in how we relate to the church.  He is speaking of his love for England, but the love he shows for England here is a terrific example of the love we can and . . . . Continue Reading »

Favorite Quotes from Dorothy Day

A friend sends his three favorite quotes from Dorothy Day, taken from Msgr. Charles Pope’s A Critique of Those Who Want Christ Without the Church , subtitled “A Meditation on Dorothy Day’s Love of the Church.” They are: Together with the Works of Mercy, feeding, clothing and . . . . Continue Reading »

Obamacare: The Revolt of the States

The recent election brought anti Obamacare Republicans into power in several important states, both in the governor’s chair and as the majorities in state legislatures.  That could make even tougher slogging for Obamacare.  A commentator at the conservative Manhattan institute shows . . . . Continue Reading »

Francione’s Perspective of Our Debate

Yesterday, whilst flying home from NYC, I posted about the debate I had with Gary Francione at Columbia. He has blogged on it too, allowing a look at his perspective.  From his blog:The thrust of Smith’s position is that according equal inherent value to animals threatens human . . . . Continue Reading »



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