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So I went to four of the Holiday movies. I still haven’t gone to AVATAR and, contrary to my promise, may not get around to it. I sort of buy the argument of Porcher Caleb that Christian and imperial conservatives have been overreacting to it. That’s not because pantheism in the sense of . . . . Continue Reading »

His Name is Our Name

“In the same way that a wife shares together in the wealth of her husband, so that what is the husband’s is also the wife’s and, on the other hand, what is the wife’s is the husbands, so also all believers are partakers of all the wealth of God. They have all that He has . . . . Continue Reading »

New Year, Old News

I’m doing some research on the local church and what causes people to leave it, and I ran into this study from April 2009 about Changes in religious Affiliation in the U.S.From that report:Catholicism has suffered the greatest net loss in the process of religious change. Many people who leave . . . . Continue Reading »

Corpus Juris Vol. II

Here are this week’s must-reads from the blawgosphere: Ed Whelan explains why Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s Senate confirmation process was a ” political triumph of judicial conservatism .”  Retired Justice Sandra Day O’Connor is apparently no fan of states . . . . Continue Reading »

Circumcision and Name of Jesus

[caption id=”attachment_4473” align=”aligncenter” width=”528” caption=”El Greco, Adoration of the Name of Jesus, 1578-79, Oil on canvas, 190 x 140 cm; Chapter House, Monasterio de San Lorenzo, El Escorial”][/caption]“The name ‘Jesus’ . . . . Continue Reading »

St. Basil the Great

Today is the feast day of St. Basil the Great, who lived from approximately 330 to 379 and was bishop of Caesarea. In the Orthodox tradition he is grouped with St. Gregory the Theologian (Nazianzus) and St. John Chrysostom as the Three Holy Hierarchs, and with Gregory the Theologian and St. Gregory . . . . Continue Reading »



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