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Brit Hume on Faith

At Christianity Today , Sarah Pulliam Bailey talks to Brit Hume about faith, the media, and Tiger Woods: Is Christianity welcome in the media? No. Christianity is scorned by many in the media. Did you see that before you made this statement? Sure. Think of how many times we’ve seen an athlete . . . . Continue Reading »

Does God Live in the Gaps?

“There are reverent minds who ceaselessly scan the fields of Nature and the books of Science in search of gaps,” wrote Henry Drummond , “gaps which they will fill up with God. As if God lived in gaps?” In his Lowell Lectures on the Ascent of Man , Drummond continues: When . . . . Continue Reading »

How To Destroy the Church

I was struck by this powerful remark:The ways of destroying the church are many and colorful. Raw factionalism will do it. Rank heresy will do it. Taking your eyes off the cross and letting other, more peripheral matters dominate the agenda will do it-admittedly more slowly than frank heresy, but . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: A Walk to the Moon

I can’t speak for David Hart, Joe, but I don’t think he was expressing (to use your words) “opposition to considering [the] possibility” of “Intelligent Design.” I think he was saying that the ID arguments lack the kind of rigor that some ID people seem to . . . . Continue Reading »



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