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Religion in Public Life

A new book on religion came out recently, America’s Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us . Written by Robert Putnam of Bowling Alone fame, along with David Campbell, the book is chocked full of data and charts, along with the Aunt Sue and Uncle John anecdotes that many put into popular . . . . Continue Reading »

The Marxist Ideal

In Why Marxism Always Fails , today’s first “On the Square” article, Elizabeth Scalia explains why the Marxist ideal always fails, and identifies the only place (or the only people for whom) it is likely to work. Coming shortly as today’s second “Square” article: . . . . Continue Reading »

Storm the Theatre This Weekend

Closing this weekend in New York City is Storm Theatre’s production of Noon Divide , the final installment of their Paul Claudel Project at the Theatre of the Church of Notre Dame. Storm Theatre (particularly their artistic director Peter Dobbins) is to be commended for tackling such a . . . . Continue Reading »

Corporate Piety over Personal Piety

A couple of days ago I did a post called “Why Love the Church” wherein I analogized from some words of G. K. Chesterton to the effect that we ought to love the church simply because she is the church, the bride of Christ and mother of the faithful.   In that quote Chesterton . . . . Continue Reading »

On Keeping Goats

The Book of Proverbs says I should look after my flocks, because if I do my goats will take care of me in an economic time of trouble.Know well the condition of your flocks, and give attention to your herds, for riches do not last forever; and does a crown endure to all generations? When the grass . . . . Continue Reading »

Singing the Psalms: Chabanel Psalter

First there was Wikipedia, the global collaborative encyclopedia of virtually everything worth knowing — and, admittedly, a lot we’d be better off not knowing. Then there was open-source software — free, downloadable software that is also part of a collaborative effort. Now we have . . . . Continue Reading »

Afternoon Links — 11.15.10

Big box stores hide the “high cost of cheap” , which includes not only environmental problems but “a living-standard masquerade at the twilight of middle-class prosperity.” Ridiculing celebrities for their interest in Africa does address the real problem of celebrity work . . . . Continue Reading »



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