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In Heavenly Conversation

As the Christmas season has come to a close, here, for your reading pleasure and reflection, is Michael Novak’s lovely Christmas verse for his late wife, Karen Laub-Novak : ON CHRISTMAS, FOR KAREN December 25, 2009   Full of grace! Full of grace. Full of grace . . . !   Mother, who . . . . Continue Reading »

The Most Successful 0.2 Percenters

“Jews are a famously accomplished group,” says David Brooks , opening his column with an understatement. When the successes of the Jewish people are listed, it never fails to impress. Consider some of the examples Brooks gives: They make up 0.2 percent of the world population, but 54 . . . . Continue Reading »

Do You Want To Go Away As Well?

Whenever Jason Byassee writes a guest editorial for Theology Today, don’t miss it. In the latest issue he describes his experience with young ministers:Another sign of hope is the posture of these young ministers toward institutions. Many of my former seminary classmates left the ministry . . . . Continue Reading »

Proposition 71 a “Failure”

Investor’s Business Daily opines that Proposition 71 has been a failure.  From its editorial:California’s Proposition 71 was intended to create a $3 billion West Coast counterpart to the National Institutes of Health, empowered to go where the NIH could not — either because of . . . . Continue Reading »

Causing the Effect

“Looking back, I wish I had never played during the steroid era,” says Mark McGwire, admitting at last what everyone already knew—that he drugged himself silly in the era of his greatest success in baseball. Over at the Washington Post , Tracee Hamilton has the right response : The . . . . Continue Reading »

How to Help Haiti

The latest report from the Red Cross is that the devastating earthquake in Haiti has left an estimated 3 million people in need of emergency aid. The aid organization says Haiti’s disaster relief teams were “completely overwhelmed.” If you would like to help, the American Red . . . . Continue Reading »

Jefferson and the University

I have an article on the modern university in the upcoming Fall 2009/Winter 2010 issue of The New Atlantis which also includes a piece by our own Peter Lawler. Below is a short excerpt:  This tension can also be seen in the description Jefferson gives of the natural “moral . . . . Continue Reading »

Why Are We So Offended All the Time?

Ok, so I rarely post over here. Sorry. But I figure the least I can do is cross-post once in awhile from my “real” blog. So here goes.*****Let me start with the caveats. Many people suffer at the hands of others. The world can be unfair, at times mercilessly so. Millions of people in the . . . . Continue Reading »



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