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A Marxist Dominionist Televangelist

Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh each do a fine job at exposing the agenda and methodology of Saul Alinsky and his Communist agenda as it is being implemented from our nation’s White House.  But there is something in Alinsky (Rules for Radicals) that I find intriguing.  Yes, something . . . . Continue Reading »

Fatal Distraction

My take on race, Reid, and the politics of meaning is up now at the Guardian . Snip: In a panic over the chance to unseat Senator Reid, the GOP is in danger of making permanent our misbegotten descent into the crackpot belief that racial symbolism is more real than our actual race relations. . . . . Continue Reading »

On Allah and Christians

Not to be simple minded, but since Christians in the Middle East have been using “Allah” for centuries before there was Islam (what other word could they have used?), why are we worried about its use here?Is this a bit like being worried that English speakers are not worshipping Jesus, . . . . Continue Reading »



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