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Pope Benedict at the Synagogue of Rome

The Italian Vatican-watcher Sandro Magister, whom authoritative sources characterize as an authoritative source, provides an important perspective on Benedict XVI’s visit yesterday to the Rome Synagogue. His report includes a complete translation of the pope’s remarks. Although Benedict . . . . Continue Reading »

The electorate is a hedgehog

In this morning’s Asia Times Online, I discuss the implications of a Republican victory in Massachusetts.The electorate is like Archilochus’ hedgehog, which knows one big thing, rather than the fox, which knows many things, in the classical aphorism cited by Russian-British philosopher . . . . Continue Reading »

What Would Carrie Bradshaw Do?

In the future, anthropologists wanting to understand our present culture will find the key in a curious cultural artifact—the greatest (and longest) misogynist masterwork ever to be captured on film: Sex and the City . The television series—46.5 hours—and film—another 151 . . . . Continue Reading »

What is Daily Renewal All About?

On the importance of the daily renewal of the Christian:“Sin is forgiven in justification, but it still retains its roots in our heart. If the Christian therefore does not renew himself daily, his heart must soon become wild again, like a tree which is not pruned, or like a garden which is not . . . . Continue Reading »

Biotechnology and American Principle

So the first book we’re reading for my seminar on bioethics is BIOTECHNOLOGY: OUR FUTURE AS HUMAN BEINGS AND CITIZENS, edited by Sean D. Sutton. This is undoubtedly the most balanced collection of essays by the leading public intellectuals in our debate over the implications of the coming . . . . Continue Reading »

The Tenured Type

The New York Times reports on a study that explains the reason so many academics are liberal is because . . . academics are typecast as being liberal? The overwhelmingly liberal tilt of university professors has been explained by everything from outright bias to higher I.Q. scores. Now new research . . . . Continue Reading »



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