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Open Question About Scott Brown

Quick and easy political symbolism is as American as election season itself, so obviously the aspect of Scott Brown’s massively significant win in Massachusetts most in need of dissecting analysis is his truck. The reflex appears to be one of mocking wealthy Republicans for continuing ( . . . . Continue Reading »

Counting Massachusetts

What is the deal with Massachusetts electoral returns? If the Boston Globe ’s figures are accurate, last night Coakley won handily in the most populous towns: 62 percent of the vote in the top ten, and 54 percent in the second ten. What’s more, she won in the least populous towns, gaining . . . . Continue Reading »

Grading Brown on a Curve

In retrospect, the election of Scott Brown in Massachusetts probably shouldn’t be all that suprising. His opponent in the race, Martha Coakley, ran one of the worst campaigns in the history of electoral politics, turning off the two biggest constituinces in the state—Catholics and Red Sox . . . . Continue Reading »

A Little Less Tribalism

Megan McArdle offer some of the best advice I’ve heard in a long, long time: The next time you are trying to imagine why the people who disagree with you are actively promoting the destruction of all that is good in the universe, grab a soothing cup of mint tea, put your feet up on a comfy . . . . Continue Reading »

A Bible Question

Here’s a quick question for Protestant readers, especially those who adhere to innerrancy and Sola Scriptura ... although those of other traditions might jump in.Look at the endings of these two books:II Kings 25:27-30Now it came to pass in the 37th year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of . . . . Continue Reading »

Fujimura on Christians and Art

Stewart Lundy has an illuminating interview with Japanese-American artist Makoto Fujimura . A committed Christian and world-class artist, Fujumura is likely the only elder of the Presbyterian Church in America to have a following among New York’s avant-garde art scene. DK: What aesthetic . . . . Continue Reading »

A Sampling of What Publishers Receive

My day job is serving as the Publisher at Concordia Publishing House in Saint Louis, Missouri. We’ve been around since 1869, serving as the publishing arm of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. One of the more interesting “benefits” of my position is that I receive, daily, let us say, . . . . Continue Reading »

The pope’s Mideast problem

The Vatican released Jan. 19 a discussion document in preparation for a synod of Mideast bishops next Oct. 10-24. I haven’t been able to locate the full text yet, but news reports indicate that it is really awful.I’ll believe it when I get the official text, but snippets quoted in the . . . . Continue Reading »



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