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Men Single and Serious

So I got one irate email from our only reader who noticed I didn’t follow through on my promise to give my opinions on a lot of Holiday movies. Still haven’t seen AVATAR. Cameron’s inane, Hollywoody, everything’s connected yada yada Golden Globe acceptance speech . . . . Continue Reading »

The Legend of the Tail-less Goose

There are few things that bring people together than these three:  Work, Need, and Food.  Few (by that I mean the minority) churches get the opportunity to built their facilities together or help rebuild houses.  And few suffer need.  (We might be better off if we grew closer to . . . . Continue Reading »

Global Warming Hysteria: UN Meltdown

Across a wide swath of issues, we see pride going before the fall.  In today’s example, the UN has now officially admitted that its ridiculous claim about the Himalayan glaciers disappearing by 2035 was a “mistake,” as previewed earlier here at SHS. And that is the report that . . . . Continue Reading »

A First Amendment Victory

In a monumental 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court of the United States held today, in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission , that, inter alia ,  corporate speech regarding political candidates is protected by the First Amendment . On the other hand, the Court did uphold . . . . Continue Reading »



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