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Breaking: Catholics to Join the Blogosphere

So saith NPR: Catholic Church Joins Blogosphere; Pope Urges Priests To Blog Welcome, Catholics! I’ve never understood why you guys haven’t caught on to the whole blogging thing before, but we’re certainly glad to have you and are looking forward to seeing what you can do with this . . . . Continue Reading »

Exegetical Reflections on Job

Well, as promised I’m going to try to talk about my upcoming oral final exam, an Old Testament homily for my late-vocations class that I’m taking. We were given the task of selecting a OT lection (reading section from the liturgical rubrics) and give an approximately 10 minute homily on . . . . Continue Reading »

The Pope Says to Blog

The news today is that Pope Benedict XVI is calling on priests to enter the blogosphere and upload their ministry. The official statement is “The Priest and Pastoral Ministry in a Digital World: New Media at the Service of the Word.”Evangel readers probably don’t need much . . . . Continue Reading »

GOP Eugenics

The expansion of the GOP’s “Big Tent” to include ideas that social convervatives find distasteful is inevitable in today’s political climate. But I never would have suspected that Republican politicians would feel comfortable enough to champion themes and techniques that are . . . . Continue Reading »

Locke and Education

More me thinking about the state of education in America through the historical and theoretical sources of our present discontent: The central object of Lockean education, the rational control of nature, begins with the defective natural constitution that originally plagues all children, . . . . Continue Reading »



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