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Obama, Progress, and the Space Program

There’s been a flurry of reports on President Obama’s intentions for our space program—in particular, the Constellation human spaceflight venture. Conceived with the intention of replacing the aging space shuttle and possibly returning humans to the moon, the program is a phantom of . . . . Continue Reading »

Tallis’ haunting tune

This year marks the one-hundredth anniversary of the first performance of English composer Ralph Vaughan Williams’ masterpiece, Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis. I fell in love with this magnificent work nearly 30 years ago while studying for my written comprehensive exams at Notre Dame. . . . . Continue Reading »

Ralph McInerny (1929-2010)

Our friend, Ralph McInerny, has slipped away, dying at 7:45 this morning. I have no voice or words to speak our loss. Not yet. Not today. An autobiographical essay of Ralph’s appeared here , and several fine poems, including : Effable Where are words when not yet spoken: on the tongue, in the . . . . Continue Reading »

Obamacare: POTUS Misses the Wave

What a shame. When Senator Elect Scott Brown won the Massachusetts special election, I saw it is a real political and policy opportunity for President Obama. He could jettison the current disastrous bills and retool—focusing on what is actually broken rather than trying to remake our entire . . . . Continue Reading »

Homeschoolers as Political Refugees

An American judge makes a laudable decision that should embarrass the Germans, and force them to reconsider their systemic persecution of homeschooling families: A Christian family from Germany have been granted political asylum in the US after facing the threat of prison for home schooling their . . . . Continue Reading »

Corpus Juris Vol. VI

Well, suffice it to say, it’s been an exciting week or so for law nerds. Here is the latest round up of the best o’ the blawgosphere: The Citizens United case generated a slew of interesting, must-read commentary. Here’s a taste of it: Jan Crawford’s ” Supreme Court . . . . Continue Reading »



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