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Palin’s Pin Problem

Hanging in my office at home are several variations of Jasper Johns’ paintings of the American flag. Few people ever see them and those that do rarely comment, so I’m not sure what they think about the art. Do they believe the reproductions are intended to be ironic, hyper-patriotic, . . . . Continue Reading »

Weird Science v.2

Recent science news from around our weird universe. Why the First Cowboy To Draw Always Gets Shot Have you ever noticed that the first cowboy to draw his gun in a Hollywood Western is invariably the one to get shot? Nobel prize–winning physicist Niels Bohr did, once arranging mock duels to . . . . Continue Reading »

They Are Slipping Away from Us, One by One

My remembrance of Ralph McInerny , in the Weekly Standard (sub req.) When Ralph McInerny landed back in the United States and cashed his GI check, a civilian again, the first thing he did was run to a bookstore to buy a copy of Lord Weary’s Castle , Robert Lowell’s new collection of . . . . Continue Reading »

“The Unsustainable Autonomy of Reason”

When was the last time you heard a transhumanist say something like this? . . . the Enlightenment project of Reason to which many transhumanists are committed is self-erosive and requires nonrational validation. Transhumanist advocates for Bayesianism and transcending cognitive biases need to . . . . Continue Reading »

We Are Far Too Easily Pleased

Tristan Carnahan of Desiring God has directed a nice little video playing off of a famous quote from C.S. Lewis:“If there lurks in most modern minds the notion that to desire our own good and earnestly to hope for the enjoyment of it is a bad thing, I submit that this notion has crept in from . . . . Continue Reading »



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