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The Power of the Word Read Aloud

What Christians usually do is, they read the Bible out loud and then preach a sermon about it.  That’s the normal, all-but-universal pattern around the world and back through Christian history. If you had to leave out one or the other,  I suppose you would keep the Bible reading and . . . . Continue Reading »

On Hymn and Stories

Many of our hymns have a rich, and sometimes painful, history behind them.  There is Amazing Grace and the Lord’s redemption of John Newton from the most vile of livelihoods — the slave trade.  Then there is Horatio Spafford’s It is Well with My Soul.  The first part . . . . Continue Reading »

In Christ, Death Died

As such He came; He came as Saviour. He died, but He vanquished death; in Himself He put an end to what we feared; He took it upon Himself and He vanquished it, as a mighty Hunter He captured and slew the lion. Where is death? Seek it in Christ, for it exists no longer; but it did exist and now it . . . . Continue Reading »

On My Honor

Today, February 8, is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Boy Scouts of America.No, I never served in any of the armed forces. But I was a Boy Scout. Ok, not the same.  (And I only made Second Class before the small-town troop folded.  One of the prices of small-town life, I . . . . Continue Reading »

Hard-Hitting Superbowl Ads

Last night’s Superbowl broadcast was one of the most violent in recent memory. No, not the game—the commercials. Apparently, advertisers get their ideas about how to market to us from watching the Ain’t-It-Funny-When-Someone-Gets-Hurt clips on America’s Funniest Home Videos . . . . . Continue Reading »

Aquinas and the Manhattan Declaration

R.J. Snell, professor of philosophy and Director of Eastern University’s philosophy program, responds to the critics of the Manhattan Declaration who believe that “the natural law forgets sin and thus depreciates the necessity of Christ and the supremacy of Scripture”: There is no . . . . Continue Reading »

Jesus is a Warrior, But Not a Cagefighter

? Son of God. Prince of Peace. Son of Man. Cagefighter? While the first three masculine titles given to our Lord Jesus are biblical and sufficient enough to express the wonder of Jesus, the last title seems to be ever-more increasingly projected onto Jesus by evangelical churches which have long . . . . Continue Reading »



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