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Vampires and the Anthropic Principle

In debates over the existence of God and man, the existence of vampires rarely enters the discussion. Whether Count Dracula and his kin exist hardly seems to be a relevant concern. But a fascinating paper by a pair of physicists makes me wonder if the existence—or rather the . . . . Continue Reading »

The New Dating Game

Charlotte Allen has  a long piece in The Weekly Standard that highlights the contemporary dating game and the pathologies—there’s really no other word—that drive it.   From her conclusion: The whole point of the sexual and feminist revolutions was to obliterate the sexual . . . . Continue Reading »

“Whither Wheaton?” A Critique

What should we make of the media attention that surrounds viral videos, such as the wedding ceremony in St. Paul, Minnesota, where hip-hop music releases the Dionysiac energy of a bride and groom who groove down the church aisle? Trivia – in a word. What should we make of the buzz that . . . . Continue Reading »



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