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The Witness of Being Weird

One of the main themes of the early days of First Things ’ Evangel blog was evangelicals’ complex relationship to culture. I recently came across Evangel contributor Russell Moore’s astute analysis on the question from 2007 in the pages of Touchstone , the other ecumenical magazine . . . . Continue Reading »

When you fast . . .

Did you know that our Lord Jesus Christ assumed that His disciples would fast, just as He assumed they would pray? Jesus commended fasting as a private act of humility and devotion to God (see Matthew 6:16-18). Note particularly that he says, “When you fast...” not “If you . . . . Continue Reading »

Fouling a Three-Point Shooter

During Georgetown’s game against Providence this week, at 7:24 in the second half, Austin Freeman was called for a foul, leaping out against a three-point shot by Vincent Council. And, on the television broadcast, the announcer Len Elmore—normally very good—did a little of sports . . . . Continue Reading »

Speaking of Doctrinal Statements . . .

Houston Baptist University has an institutional “preamble” which sets the tone for everything we do.  I think it is quite good and has served us well.  We do have a variety of Christians working at the university (including Catholics).  All must affirm the preamble. . . . . Continue Reading »

Christian and Jewish Exegesis of Song of Songs

The Song of Songs has a central role in Jewish and Christian self-understanding with respect to God’s relationship to his people. However, the degree to which Christian and Jewish accounts of the Song of Songs coincide and diverge in light of the heightened attention given to this work in the . . . . Continue Reading »



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